24K Unleash “Hey You” Music Video

CCb27upUMAAW614.jpg largeThe members of 24K are back with the track “Hey You”!

This time, the members unleash their music video for “Hey You” on the 13th of April! The concept and song are different than their usual style and many are excited to see what the group has is store for their return to the K-POP scene.

1theK says, “A talented idol group suitable for the description “Korea’s First” has appeared! It is none other than the boy group 24K, returning with a third album called “Hey You”, after a long break of 1 year and 6 months.

The title song is by Cory, the team leader. To the melodies he composed, the other members gave words, along the lines of “You look good today.” Then Cory arranged and mixed the song by himself. The group’s rappers Daeil and Jungwook worked on making the rap part. As for the choreography, Daeil, who is also starring as an amazing dancer on “Dancing 9″, took charge of production. This makes 24K the first idol group in Korea to have come up with a choreography to the entire song.”

Check out the music video now!


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