Dabit Announces December 5th Debut + Teaser Image Unleashed


Rookie singer Dabit unleashes his first teaser photo and release date through his official Facebook.

Dabit – known for his YouTube video covers – is now debuting under a new-found entertainment company, KD Entertainment, as the first solo artist.

After constantly hinting that he’d be debuting in Korea, the singer-songwriter has been hard at work with the upcoming release. Today, November 24th, 2013 marks Dabit’s first ever release.

The first teaser image shows the artist’s handsome face as he is decked out in a black coat, what seems like a white button up shirt and his name tattooed on his hand.  In the very photo seen above, it shows the words “Coming Soon” with the date “13.12.05” which indicates Dabit’s official debut date which just happens to be his birthday.

Not much information was released on the upcoming release but stay tuned to HypnoticAsia.com for all the latest news and updates on Dabit.

Also, be sure to like and follow Dabit’s Twitter and Facebook as well as his company, KD Entertainment’s Facebook, Twitter and Official Site.

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