EE Unleash Music Video For “Wiggy Dawn”

20100402155712772EE unleash a new music video for “Wiggy Dawn” through 1theK’s official YouTube channel.

1theK unveils, “We hear, see, get influenced, and speak. So the relationship is built and the relationships make up the society.
However, now how much do we want to peep, deceive, inform and hide about each other’s life in your mobile?
Are you paying attention? To the mobile of your closest one?
How much is truth missed in what they are telling and I am telling?
We can be happy in the fictional world only with two thumbs and your mobile. Aren’t we scared to knock the big reality behind me and listen to it carefully?
Your mobile is the biggest channel for space movement and the word making people wonder.
How about expecting and feeling the happenings with the sound of opening mobile? That’s reality.
The symbol of your mobile would be space movement which also means escapism, the desire for a new world.”

Check out the video for their song below.

Video Credit: 1theK


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