Eli of U-KISS Announces He Has Been Married For A Year


Recently, ex-member of U-KISS, Dongho, has gotten married at the young age of 21. Now, member Eli reveals through his official Instagram that he has been married since June of 2014. Eli and his wife registered their marriage on the 5th of June in 2014 but have yet to hold the ceremony. The two are also expecting their first child and his wife is currently 3-months pregnant.

Many have speculated that the member was dating since he had a ring on his finger but nobody expected the two to have already been married. They have been together for about five years.

On his Instagram account, the U-Kiss member wrote the message in English, stating:

Hey everyone I know you all probably knew I had a girlfriend by the ring on my finger. We’ve been together for about 5 years now and love each other very much~ We actually filed for our wedding liscense June 5 2014 and are currently happily married with a baby on the way. My wife is 3 months pregnant and by summer of next year I’m going to be a father. We still haven’t had our ceremony yet but we will try to have it very soon. I know this might come as a surprise for everyone but we thought everyone should know. Thank you all for supporting all this time and I apologize if any of you feel betrayed and understand if you no longer support U-Kiss.

Congratulations to Eli and his wife! You can view the original post HERE.


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