K-pop dramedy series Gangnam Project aired by CBC and BBC brings new faces to the scene. One in particular is Jae Kim who is cast as the character, J-Diz.
In an exclusive interview, Kim reveals that his foray into acting actually began with the web series “Topline”. The independent artist gives insight, “Romeo, the director of that web series, also happened to be one of the directors for Gangnam Project and suggested to my manager that I submit an audition”. It is a great thing he did, because Kim’s character, J-Diz, is important to motivating the other characters in the series.
Who is ‘J-Diz’ in Gangnam Project?
“I view J-Diz as the image of ‘Success’ that the trainees in Gangnam Project look towards,” explains Kim. He continues, “he shows them what they’re aiming towards and serves as a presence that continuously motivates them”. To Kim, J-Diz is illustrating the perseverance and commitment required to achieve stardom as an idol.
The artist offers viewers of Gangnam Project a dose of encouragement through J-Diz’s character. Emphasizes that dreams require dedication and hard work to come to fruition, regardless of their nature.
From J-Diz to Jae Kim
Who exactly is Jae Kim? Hailing from Toronto, Canada, Kim is an independent Korean singer-songwriter and a notable presence on social media. His signature lofi-R&B style has earned him considerable recognition. He’s known for tracks like “Waiting in the Summer Rain,” “in june,” and “Cupid’s Scene” that amasses over 500,000 streams. Kim announced that while he doesn’t have anymore acting gigs lined up at the moment, he has new music. The artist will unleash his brand new single “blue” on March 22nd. “I’d love for any fans to listen to it when it releases,” says Kim.
“Music has always been my greatest passion and I’d love to grow my career and become more and more loved for my music,” expresses Kim. Though, just because music is his passion, it doesn’t mean acting is any less. The all-rounder discloses, “acting has also always been something I’ve always had a passion for, but never thought I’d actually be able to achieve”. This gratitude doesn’t come without acknowledgment for those involved in the project and those who have aided him in achieving this dream.
Kim concludes the interview by affirming, “I am open to more acting projects should the opportunity arise”.
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About Gangnam Project
Gangnam Project tells the story of a spirited Canadian/Korean teen with dreams of becoming a K-pop star and connecting with her Korean heritage. It was filmed in Toronto and South Korea. The series’ original soundtrack is composed by recording artist, songwriter, producer and musician, August Rigo, who has written songs for global talents including BTS (“Black Swan” and “ON”), SEVENTEEN (“SUPER”), and Justin Bieber (“U Smile”). Its talented cast features Joshua Hyunho Lee (KPOP The Musical on Broadway, backup dancer for Stray Kids, and content creator), Brianna Kim (Riceboy Sleeps, Joyride, CW’s Kung Fu), and many more exciting actors.
All episodes are now streaming on CBC Gem.
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