[EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW] NIve Says, “it’s okay not to be okay”

NIve, an artist based in Los Angeles, California has sat down and answered some questions for HypnoticAsia readers.

NIve is known as a singer-songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist who not only writes his own tracks that tell of self-empowerment but for others as well. You may know him as a co-writer on the track “Beautiful Goodbye” by Chen of EXO and most recently “When it rained” and “Lie Lie Lie” for Jeong Sewoon.

NIve has experienced living in various countries including Australia, South Korea and the United States. He reveals that, “through experiencing different cultures and lifestyles, I learned to think differently and my ears became less selective when it came to different genres of music.”

Through this interview, get to know more about NIve and his music – what inspires him, the message he is trying to convey and him as an artist overall!

HYPNOTICASIA: Please introduce yourself to the audience of HypnoticAsia.
NIve: My name is NIve – I’m a recording artist, as well as a songwriter & producer! I’m based in Los Angeles, CA, but travel to Korea from time to time.

HYPNOTICASIA:What drew you to the music industry?
NIve:  I believe my passion for writing about anything and turning them into songs sort of drew me into the industry. No matter what kind of difficult situations I faced, I always used music as a way to overcome and that naturally led me to the road I’m on now.

HYPNOTICASIA: From all your releases, which would you say is your favorite and why?
NIve: I love all my songs (no bias of course), but so far I would say “Who I Am.” I’ve always wanted to sing about self-empowerment because that’s something I’ve struggled with in my life, and I think “Who I Am” speaks directly to that point.

HYPNOTICASIA: If you could collaborate with an artist of your choice (anywhere in the world) who would it be and why?
NIve: Lately I’ve been listening to Lolo Zouai’s “Caffeine. I think she has a unique color and I love the energy that she gives off. So I’d say Lolo Zouai.

HYPNOTICASIA: In May 2019, you released your track “Who I Am”. Can you tell us a little about the song?
NIve: The main message of “Who I Am” is, “It’s okay to be who you are.” We all live with our own insecurities and I’m certainly not an exception. I wrote the song in hopes of comforting those who may be afraid to face their insecurities and tell them it’s okay not to be okay, to really embrace who you are. At the end of the day, that’s the only way to take a step forward.

HYPNOTICASIA: You just released your new track “Tired”. What is this track about?
NIve: Truthfully, I’m tired pretty often. Even after a good weekend or getting good sleep, I’m still tired. People would ask me “why?”…I had the same question for myself as well. Then I finally realized that I’m not physically tired, but mentally and spiritually tired. Which would directly affect my body. I sometimes overthink or worry too much about a lot of things and “Tired” is, really, just being honest about that side of me. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, so I wanted my story of being tired to act as their voice and expression of that same tiredness. It also helped me to realize that I’m not alone in feeling this way, as well 🙂

HYPNOTICASIA: How are the lyrics usually developed for your songs? What is the process like?
NIve: I first write as if I’m writing in my own personal diary and then develop the lyrics from there. I’ve learned that my lyrics are always way more powerful and real when I’m honest with myself in writing them.

HYPNOTICASIA: Would you say your music reveals your personal story and experiences?
NIve: Absolutely. All my songs are extremely personal.

HYPNOTICASIA: Before arriving in the U.S., you lived in both South Korea and Australia. Do you feel that living in multiple countries has helped you develop as an artist? If so, how?
NIve: Living in different countries really opened my eyes and mind up. Through experiencing different cultures and lifestyles, I learned to think differently and my ears became less selective when it came to different genres of music. I’ve become familiar with the word “adaptation” more after living in multiple countries and I think that’s really translated to my music.

HYPNOTICASIA: How would you describe your music to someone who may not have heard it before?
NIve: That’s a tough one…I think it’s tough to categorize my music in one genre because I draw inspiration from so many different places and artists. The easiest way to talk about it would be to call it “hybrid pop.” It combines a lot of my musical roots, but in the form of music that’s easy to listen to.

HYPNOTICASIA: What message are you trying to convey with your music? Do most of your songs give the same message or do they all have different meanings?
NIve: I would say “Self-empowerment”. Each of my songs talk about different topics or themes, but the main goal for all the music I release will have the ultimate message of “It’s okay not to be okay.”

HYPNOTICASIA: How would you say you have developed since you debuted?
NIve: I learned much more about myself after my debut. Throughout the process of songwriting, performing on stage, and knowing that there are people who care about my music – they’ve all given me such huge inspiration to me as an artist. I feel more responsible as an artist these days, knowing that people can be touched and comforted through something like a song that I sing.

HYPNOTICASIA: We heard you co-wrote “Beautiful Goodbye” sung by Chen of EXO. The song hit number 1 in 45 countries upon its release. How did you feel about the success of this song?
NIve: Can I first say that Chen is an amazing vocalist? He’s an awesome human being and I’m thankful for all the people who supported both Chen and “Beautiful Goodbye.” I honestly did not know the song would be so big until I started getting DM’s from Chen’s fans saying thank you for writing the song. I’m beyond grateful.

HYPNOTICASIA: What is the biggest problem you have encountered on your journey through music?
NIve: Myself. It’s always a battle between me and myself. Everyday I have to face myself and sometimes…that’s really hard. I’m learning to love myself more and more as time goes by, though!

HYPNOTICASIA: Who or what are your biggest influences? How have they influenced you?
NIve: My parents. They’ve been my foundation. Whatever decision I made in my life, they’ve always supported me in it. Their patience for me has taught me a lot and makes me want to become more like them.

HYPNOTICASIA: You are a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer. Do you enjoy hearing your songs sung by other artists? (i.e., Chen’s “Beautiful Goodbye”)
NIve: I love it. It’s always so interesting to hear how other artists interpret a song that I write and portray that on stage. I’m thankful that other artists even want to sing the songs I write for them!

HYPNOTICASIA: Can we expect new music releases in the near future?
NIve: Yes. Way more songs to come very soon!

HYPNOTICASIA: If you weren’t doing music, what do you think you’d be doing instead?
NIve: Music has always been the biggest thing for me, so it’s hard to imagine anything outside of it. But if I had to choose, I’d probably be trying to do something related to deep space.

HYPNOTICASIA: What advice would you give to an up and coming artist?
NIve: Before thinking about who’s going to love you, learn to love yourself first. Then everything will fall in its rightful place.

Quick Answers:

  • Coffee or energy drink? Coffee coffee coffee!!
  • Favorite Instrument? These days, the piano.
  • Favorite Song (from another artist)? Lolo Zouai – Caffeine

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