Making big waves in the international K-pop scene, South Korean boy band Day6 continued on their 1st ever North American Live & Meet by performing at the Music Hall Center in Rock City Detroit on Friday, October 27th, 2017. While lasting only a mere 90 minutes, the band performed their signature hits such as “Congratulations”, “Letting Go (놓아 놓아 놓아)”, “You Were Beautiful (예뻤어)”, and my personal favorite ” DANCE DANCE”. In between sets, the band set aside their instruments for a Q&A session and game time with their fans.
The band members are spectacular performers. They performed not only for the audience but also with them, eagerly encouraging for audience participation. One could see the excitement that the members had for their Detroit fans, especially with member Jae’s constant jumping and full stage control.
Even though some of the other members were not as comfortable with English as Jae and Young K are, they tried their best with the English words that they knew. Fortunately for the audience, SubKulture Entertainment did provide the band with a live translator on stage and thus, the longer answers to the Q&A that were answered in Korean were instantly translated into English! The band answered questions regarding how to pursue one’s dream (Jae), traveling (Sungjin), “mom vs. dad” (Dowoon), thinking in English vs. Korean (Young K), and the Every DAY6 Project (Wonpil). Jae was definitely inspirational (all jokes aside: don’t skip music lessons!), especially to the younger audience members, when he said that hard work does pay off. I can definitely relate to Young K when he asked whether he thinks in English or Korean. His answer is that he thinks in “Konglish” (mix of English and Korean). I totally, 100% agree with him. I think in “Vietglish” with a sprinkle of Korean in it too!
After the Q&A sessions and a few more songs to hype up the audience, the band members returned with game time for their fans. This time, it was “Bingo – the K-pop edition”! Although, I must say, it was more like “Tic-Tac-Toe” considering the grid was 3×3… Basically, the members had to unveil a number, successfully pass the mission hidden behind the number, and clear 3 missions in a row in order to “win” the game and raffle off awesome prizes to the audience. Wonpil successfully ate a lemon and whistled within 15 seconds, Young K unfortunately failed at making the same action movement (a Michael Jackson pose) as the rest of his band-mates; Dowoon failed at correctly identifying (via touch only) the item inside a covered box while Sungjin successfully did a dance cover to the song “Gashina” by their former label-mate Sunmi. And Jae hit the home-run for the team by improving a song on the spot using the words “Detroit Rock City”. Five lucky winners each won a gift bag that included a signed t-shirt.
After an enjoyable game time, Day6 energetically concluded the live and meet with an encore of upbeat songs “Dance Dance” and “Free하게”. It was a wonderful night spent with Day6 and SubKulture Entertainment.