Misono Will No Longer Sell CDs Unless Next Album Sells 10,000 Copies


Misono has garnered the attention of netizens and news outlets alike about declaring that she would not sell anymore CDs unless her upcoming album sells 10,000 copies.

Misono’s 4th studio album is set to be released on October 13th in celebration of her 30th birthday. However, upon releasing the album’s cover art, it seems she’ll only be celebrating if she can sell 10,000 copies.

Written across the album’s cover is a message which say “If this album doesn’t sell 10,000 copies, Misono will no longer release CDs.” The bold declaration has garnered much interest as people speculate whether she’ll be able to sell enough copies to continue in the music industry or if this will be her final release.

Misono’s album sales have not been strong throughout her career. Her first two albums sold more than 10,000 each, but her last album, “Me,” has only sold approximately 7,000 copies.

Misono’s upcoming album will be limited to 10,000 copies. Each copy will have a number handwritten by Misono herself indicating which album you’ve purchased.


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