Super Junior Unveil Teaser Video for “This Is Love” and “Evanesce”

Currently preparing for their comeback, Super Junior unleashed a teaser video for “This Is Love” and “Evanesce” that introduces the group members expressing somber emotions. “This Is Love” and “Evanesce” will be the group’s follow-up tracks after having a successful comeback with “Mamacita.” The two upcoming tracks will be totally different from “Mamacita” as it…

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Epik High Reveal Album Sampler for “Shoebox” + “Spoiler” and “Happen Ending” Music Video

Epik High reveal their album sampler for their upcoming album, “Shoebox,” after having just recently pre-releasing “Born Hater.” As announced earlier, “Shoebox” includes a star-studded lineup of talented artists who will lend their talents for Epik High’s comeback album. The group entices the fans with an album sampler for “Shoebox” and a music video for…

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AKB48’s Yurina Takashima Announces Graduation From Group

AKB48 member Yurina Takashima announced that she will be graduating from the group to pursue studying psychology. Takashima’s graduation was announced during her performance at AKB48 Theater on October 14th. Afterwards, the announcement was made her official blog as well as AKB48’s blog. “While in AKB48, I was able to find a new dream, and that is to…

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DiVA To Release Final Album “DIVA”

DiVA have revealed the details of their final album, “DIVA” which will be released on the 5th of November. Earlier this year DiVA announced their disbandment with the promise of a final album and single. (See details of disbandment here.) In order to make their final album special, each member has participated in writing the lyrics. For instance Miyazawa Sae wrote “DIVA”….

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Smash Hitta Reveals 2nd Single “Soldier” ft. Natalie Lyons, Julie Fournier, TRiXX & Nicole Curry

With the release of Smash Hitta’s first single, “Grammy Speech” which featured Ryan Curtis, Bea Go, Chief Wakil and Adien Lewis we now get a new single  called, “Solider” joined by the talented Natalie Lyons, Julie Fournier, TRiXX  and Nicole Curry. Smash Hitta is a well known producer, having produced for Megan Lee, Jason Chen…

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