On May 14, 2024, BM, who is renowned for his energetic presence and adaptable artistic style, began his much awaited “After the After Party”...
YOUNG POSSE, a fifth generation Gen-Z girl group, has just made their comeback with a new EP album “XXL”. YOUNG POSSE consists of members:...
KARD go “Dumb Litty” in LA with their fans, Hidden KARD! SubKulture Entertainment began KARD’s U.S. Tour, Wild KARD in Los Angeles, California. The...
The 4-member co-ed group, KARD are making a comeback with their mini album You & Me. J.Seph, Jiwoo, Somin and BM are returning to...
The popular co-ed group, K.A.R.D release a selfie version of their track “Oh NaNa”. The 4 members of K.A.R.D have been experiencing extreme popularity...
Topping charts before their official debut, co-ed group K.A.R.D is one of the most popular rookie groups of 2017. SubKulture Entertainment, in partnership with...
K.A.R.D are back with a new music video for their new track. K.A.R.D recently gained plenty of fans and exposure with their first track,...
K.A.R.D is DSP’s newest group with two female and male members. The group consists of female members Somin and Jiwoo while the male members...