Won Soju makes its debut in the United States! Jay Park, a South Korean rapper, founded Won Soju, the nation’s first rapper-owned alcoholic beverage...
Dumbfoundead is back with a new single! This time, the rapper collaborates with well-known South Korean rappers, Dok2, Simon Dominic and Tiger JK. The...
As many of you have heard by now, the months of February through April (of 2017) are full of concerts coming to North America....
The Asian American rapper, also known as Parker, will tour the East Coast with DJ Zo. Parker, formerly known as Dumbfoundead, is a Los...
LOS ANGELES – The non-profit grassroots movement Kollaboration will celebrate its 15th anniversary with its annual Kollaboration Star talent showcase at the Wilshire Ebell Theater...
Official release – January 28, 2014 The concept behind the album “Strength in NUMBERS” is clear. CHOPS assembled some of the latest and greatest...
Paul Kim and Dumbfoundead collaborate to release a new music video titled “No Turning Back.” This track is off the upcoming “Strength In Numbers”...