Chen of popular South Korean boy group, EXO, collaborates with the one and only legendary hip-hop duo, Dynamic Duo. The three showcase their unique...
EXO-CBX, the first ever EXO sub-unit, has released their music video for the track, “Crush U”. “Crush U” is an OST for the South...
EXO is back with a new winter track titled “For Life”! The music video and track are perfect for the winter season. They received...
Los Angeles (November 22, 2016) – CJ Entertainment is releasing “My Annoying Brother” in Los Angeles at CGV Cinemas on December 8, 2016. The...
EXO reveal their short version of the music video “Coming Over”. Like always, the boys of EXO have been busy with sub-units, solo debuts,...
EXO has finally unleashed their subunit EXO-CBX! With the popularity of EXO, practically any track will be a hit but we do have notable...
LAY of EXO is making his solo debut officially! The singer will officially release his music video on the 28th of October, which is...
The amazing Far East Movement is back! This time the group collaborates with Marshmello on the new track “Freal Luv” and not only that...
Alesso and Chen of EXO have dropped their official music video for the next SM STATION. SM STATION track, “Years” is sung by Chen...
The music video for Lay’s solo has officially been released. Lay of EXO is known for his great dance and music skills. Through the...