Topbob Unleashes “Darling” Music Video

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Topbob, from 2WINS, is officially back after being on hiatus!

Topbob is accompanied by his fellow 2WINS member, BumKey, and creates an exciting track.

It has been a while since the two collaborated and released a song together so fans have been anticipating for something grand since the teasers were revealed.

“The rapper Topbob is coming back after a long time, and is coming back to us with a solo song on January 10th. The title song ‘Darling’ is featured by Bumkey, and Bumkey’s sweet voice goes along well with playful Topbob’s rap and in the song they sing about a man in love. The fun drum and acoustic guitar gives it a bright and warm feeling to it. The simple yet addictive Bumkey’s chorus is memorable, and overall it is a lovely song. The music video is made by the director Cho Seong Yeon who made the movie ’33Li’ and the warmth of the color is described well to make the viewers as if they are watching a CF.”

Check out the music video below.


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